Panel Selection

Initial Panel Selection

Preliminary panel selection is primarily used to support your Utility Interconnect Application.  If you are going with rooftop solar, choosing a 390-450 watt panel will get you what you need for the application and for your preliminary physical design.  These panels come in typical sizes of 39-41" width and 72-81" length.  Ground Mount arrays can take advantage of larger bifacial panels.    In both cases, once your project is set up by HAREI in OpenSolar, there is a relatively short list of top-rated panels to choose from.

There are many criteria for final panel selection.  Often final selection is driven by what is available!    Factors to consider beyond availability include:

Final Panel Selection

Once the Utility has approved your Interconnect Application, then you need to join a working meeting and discuss the best price/watt of panels and availability. Once you have confirmed availability of panels that meet your criteria, you may have do a quick re-design before ordering materials.

You will also need to check the lead/wire length on the specific panels to ensure they will reach the inverter/optimizer locations on your racking system design.  If not, your will need to reconsider which rail you inverters or optimizer and the connecting cable are mounted, or buy or make extensions for the wires coming from the panels.