Rooftop Racking Design Using IronRidge

IronRidge is the manufacturer of the rooftop racking system most widely used by HAREI members.  IronRidge has an online tool to layout your solar arrays.  It generates get a Bill of Materials (BOM) used in process of getting quotes and engineering documents to supplement your building permit.  A YouTube video that provides an overview of the IronRidge rooftop mounting products and a how-to on using their design tool.  A link to the video is here.   The section on how to use the IronRidge Design Assistant starts about 34 minutes into the video.

Once you have set-up your project, you can share it with others by picking the "people" box in the top left of the Project.

Some notes and tips on using the IronRidge Design Assistant follow:

Configuring your project

Image Based Design Style