HAREI is a NH-based, non-profit organization of NH resident volunteers intent on implementing more efficient and sustainable energy practices, with a focus on renewable energy for the homeowner.

HAREI Mission Statement

Empower homeowners with the knowledge and skills to design, build, install, and operate renewable solar energy systems for their homes, contributing to a sustainable future for all.

HAREI Vision Statement

Neighbors help neighbors achieve a net zero energy future for NH

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HAREI’s mission is to reduce barriers to the use of renewable energy and conservation by providing education to help members plan their energy futures, and by providing volunteer labor to help members install renewable energy systems at minimal cost.

What does HAREI membership cost?

HAREI is a State and Federally acknowledged non-profit organization. Membership carries a modest annual fee to cover administrative costs, currently $40 per year. 

Annual HAREI dues are due on April 1st. 

HAREI has a ladder lift for transporting materials from the ground to the roof at a cost of $75. Typically the ladder lift is only needed for one or two weekends and depends on availability which is first come-first serve.

HAREI has merchandise! T-Shirts and Hoodies - be sure to fill out the size information on the contacts page.

You can make your payments online on our Contacts page.